Coordination meeting
Coordination meetings serve as a mutual information and coordination exchange between the chief scientist, involved working groups, the German Research Fleet Coordination Centre and the shipping company. The captain of the cruise should attend the meetings if possible. If the captain is unable to come, he is represented by the Coordination Centre or by a competent employee of the shipping company.
The following agenda has proved to be successful in the past years and provides all essential topics open for discussion:
- Geplante Nutzung von bordeigener und mitgebrachter Ausrüstung
- Planungsdetails
- Logistik der wissenschaftlichen Ausrüstung
- Umgang mit radioaktiven Substanzen
- Diplomatische Genehmigungen
- Einreise/ Sicherheit/ Gesundheit
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Berichterstattung an die LDF
- Informationen und Vorlagen
- Verschiedenes
The chief scientist is asked to briefly report on the cruise program (approx. 5-10 min). A focus should also be set on logistics and equipment deployment.
The Coordination Centre ensures that minutes are kept. These for the working basis for all parties involved.